These pics were taken late December. It's amazing the seasonal richness in these lands. Harvested grass stack up over 20 some feet along the roads serving as a stark axial change blending in texture and color, an obvious but powerful formal index of the necessary resourcefulness of the people and land. As is, the hybrid aspect of land is reveled; farmers rent out their fields to have cattle graze after corn harvest, on left over corn and stalks. Is an introduced hybrid design approach appropriate for this region? Or are simple stark index's that allow for the hybrid, seasonal dynamics a more appropriate approach for design here? Amazing thickets of deciduous trees are very powerful (seen in a couple pics). Road side drainage ditches are something I would like to investigate as the design moves forward.
Enrolled in Thesis for a Master's of Landscape Architecture II at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. Chris Reed as advisor, Charles Waldheim as director.
These pics were taken late December. It's amazing the seasonal richness in these lands. Harvested grass stack up over 20 some feet along the roads serving as a stark axial change blending in texture and color, an obvious but powerful formal index of the necessary resourcefulness of the people and land. As is, the hybrid aspect of land is reveled; farmers rent out their fields to have cattle graze after corn harvest, on left over corn and stalks. Is an introduced hybrid design approach appropriate for this region? Or are simple stark index's that allow for the hybrid, seasonal dynamics a more appropriate approach for design here? Amazing thickets of deciduous trees are very powerful (seen in a couple pics). Road side drainage ditches are something I would like to investigate as the design moves forward.